DKU Leadership Sends Condolence to People Affected by the Tianjin Warehouse Explosion

To Those Affected by the Disaster in Tianjin,

At various points in time, for often unexpected reasons, disaster may come our way. This is precisely what happened in Tianjin with the horrific explosions and fire that occurred at a local chemicals warehouse.’ Numerous people were killed or injured as no one was expecting such a terrible accident to happen.

The DKU community shares the grief and the pain of those affected by the recent events in Tianjin. As concerned human beings, we ‘recognize that many people’s lives have been impacted by the explosion and its aftermath. We stand ready as a community here in Kunshan to do what we can to support friends, family and others who have found their own lives disrupted and upended by the Tianjin disaster.

We also applaud the rapidity with which the Chinese government has responded; the Minister of Public Security was quickly on the scene to review the situation and mobilize needed resources and expertise to assist the residents and workers in the area.

At times like this, we all must stand united in our determination to do what we can to ease the difficulties faced by the people of Tianjin. Both of us, Chancellor Liu and myself, are committed to using whatever expertise and resources we can tap into at both DKU and Duke to help out in any reasonable and relevant manner.

In closing, let us all express our hopes that further loss of life can be ‘avoided and that those injured can make a speedy recovery. Buildings can be rebuilt and facilities repaired, but most important, it is the human spirit that must be rekindled and revitalized to ensure that we all can carry forward in a positive way in the coming weeks and months ahead.

Chancellor Liu Jingnan
Executive Vice Chancellor Denis Simon

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